English Version


2019年11月01日 11:33 丁书凯 点击:[]



2016.4-2019.3 国立物质材料研究机构

2019.6-至今 陕西科技大学副教授


2008.9-2012.7  华东理工大学学士

2013.10-2016.3 日本福井大学硕士

2016.4-2019.3  日本筑波大学博士




主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划1项,横向项目1项,发表SCI学术论文20篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在ACS Applied Materials and InterfacesJournal of Materials Chemistry BInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences等国际期刊发表学术论文7篇。


Email: yingjun336@gmail.com


[1] Y. Wang*, N. Wang, Y. Chen, Y. Yang*, Regulation of micropatterned curvature-dependent FA heterogeneity on cytoskeleton tension and nuclear DNA synthesis of malignant breast cancer cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2023 (IF=7.571, SCI, 二区TOP)

[2] S. Huang, Z. Chen, X. Hou, K. Han, B. Xu, M. Zhang, S. Ding, Y. Wang*, Y. Yang*, Promotion of Melanoma Cell Proliferation by Cyclic Straining through Regulatory Morphogenesis, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022 (IF=6.208, SCI, 二区TOP)

[3] S. Huang, Q. Su, X. Hou, K. Han, S. Ma, B. Xu*, Y. Yang*, Influence of Colonies’ Morphological Cues on Cellular Uptake Capacity of Nanoparticles, Froniters in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022 (IF=6.064, SCI, 二区)

[4] Y. Yang, X. Hou, S. Ma, S. Huang, J. Chen, Z. Fang, G. Nie, B. Xu, C.A. Serra, S. Ding*, Tetraphenylethylene-Based Nanogels by Physical Encapsulation Technology: An AIEgen Transparent Film Thermometers, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2022 (IF=4.855, SCI, 二区)

[5] Y. Yang, X. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Hu, N. Kawazoe, Y. Yang, G. Chen*, Influence of cell spreading area on the osteogenic commitment and phenotype maintenance of mesenchymal stem cells, Scientific Reports, 2019, (IF=4.996, SCI, 三区)

[6] Y. Yang, X. Wang, X. Hu, N. Kawazoe, Y. Yang, G. Chen*, interfaces, Influence of cell morphology on mesenchymal stem cell transfection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018 (IF=10.383, SCI, 二区TOP)

[7] Y. Yang, X. Wang, T.-C. Huang, X. Hu, N. Kawazoe, W.-B. Tsai, Y. Yang, G.. Chen*, Regulation of mesenchymal stem cell functions by micro–nano hybrid patterned surfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018 (IF=7.571, SCI, 二区TOP)

[8] Y. Wang, Y. Yang, X. Wang, N. Kawazoe, Y. Yang, G. Chen*, The varied influences of cell adhesion and spreading on gene transfection of mesenchymal stem cells on a micropatterned substrate, Acta Biomaterialia, 2021 (IF=10.633, SCI, 一区TOP)

[9] Y. Wang, Y. Yang, X. Wang, T. Yoshitomi, N. Kawazoe, Y. Yang, G. Chen*, Micropattern-controlled chirality of focal adhesions regulates the cytoskeletal arrangement and gene transfection of mesenchymal stem cells, Biomaterials, 2021 (IF=15.304, SCI, 一区TOP)

[10] Y. Wang, Y. Yang, T. Yoshitomi, N. Kawazoe, Y. Yang, G. Chen*, Regulation of gene transfection by cell size, shape and elongation on micropatterned surfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2021 (IF=7.571, SCI, 二区TOP)

[11] J Yang, Y. Yang, N Kawazoe, G Chen*, Encapsulation of individual living cells with enzyme responsive polymer nanoshell, Biomaterials, 2019 (IF=15.304, SCI, 一区TOP)

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